Wednesday, February 3, 2016

This is a love note to all the climber girls. Not just climber girls- any girl who enjoys being outdoors.

Being a girl who hangs out with a lot of dudes, and in turn, a lot of girls who hang out with mostly dudes, I often hear the following sentence: 

"I don't have girl friends because girls cause too much drama."

Every time I hear this, I cringe. Girls are awesome. Dudes are awesome too, but hear me out. 

We love our guy friends, but our girl friends are a different kind of special. We're not the girls who say that we don't have girlfriends because girls cause too much drama. We love our girlfriends and there's nothing more fun than playing outside together.

We look out for each other. We support each other, and we will always give each other the best spot in the world. We have just as much fun and crush just as hard together, as we do when the guys are around.

We're fun. We like spontaneity. We like to get dirty and don't care how long it's been since our last shower.

We have girl talk, but it's often accompanied by cheap beer and a campfire. Our girl talk usually revolves around trip planning or beta on our most recent project.

I get the realest advice from these ladies. These ladies are the ones who are confident, not only because they know they're physically strong, but because they know they have a squad of badass ladies backing them up.

So, ladies, love your lady friends. They are your badass support system in the very male dominated outdoor culture. They get you. They respect you. They empower you. 


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I like to play in the mountains with my friends.
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